Details of 2014 Pay Adjustments for FAA Employees
Effective January 12, 2014
Professional Aviation Safety Specialists (PASS) FAA Pay Plan covering Air Traffic Organization (ATO) employees. Per contract language, employees will receive a 1.0 percent increase, the same increase provided to Federal General Schedule employees. This pay adjustment will be effective January 12, 2014, and will appear in employees’ paychecks issued on February 4, 2014. Per contract language, PASS pay bands will increase by 1.0 percent, the same percent as the general schedule.
Employees in FG pay plan. Employees in the FG pay plan will receive the same 1.0 percent pay increase as is being provided to Federal General Schedule (GS) employees. This increase will be effective January 12, 2014, and will appear in employees’ paychecks issued on February 4, 2014.
Pay Caps. The statutory maximum pay rate applicable to FAA employees will increase to $181,500, including locality pay, effective January 12, 2014.
Core Compensation Pay Bands. There will be a 1.0 percent increase in the structure of the Core Compensation pay bands. Each pay band will increase by 1.0 percent.
Calculation of Core Compensation Pay Bands. The specific increase to the core pay bands is applied to the minimum, midpoint, and maximum of each pay band. The band midpoint is the reference point for market competitive purposes. The pay bands are increased before the pay adjustments are processed, which allows employees who are currently at the top of the pay band to receive an increase in their base pay up to the new pay band maximum. If, after the applicable pay increases are processed, an employee’s salary is below the new minimum of the pay band, the employee’s pay will be moved to the minimum.
It must be emphasized that the pay band structure change is not a salary increase, but rather represents additional salary-earning potential.
Locality Pay. As noted above, FAA continues to follow the Federal locality pay program, which will not change in 2014.
Additional Information. Questions about the pay adjustments may be referred to your servicing human resource office.