2014 Pay Increases Due for ATO and AVS Employees
JANUARY 24, 2014

All employees covered by PASS’s two collective bargaining agreements (ATO and AVS) will be receiving contractual pay increases effective the first full pay period of January 2014. The increases will be included in each employee’s February 4, 2014, pay checks.


Under Article 124 of the ATO agreement, entitled “PASS/FAA Pay Plan,” Flight Inspection Services (FIS) and Mission Support Services (MSS) bargaining unit employees are covered by the FG Pay Plan (See Section 1(a)). As such, FIS and MSS employees will receive a pay increase of 1 percent (equivalent to GS increase) and will continue to receive periodic step increases in accordance with the FG Pay Plan.

ATO bargaining unit employees in Technical Operations (except Flight Inspection Services) are entitled to receive a pay increase equivalent to that provided under the statutory General Schedule (GS) increase. As stated above, in 2014 that amount is 1 percent (See Section 5(c)). In addition, all pay bands under the PASS/FAA Pay Plan will be adjusted upward by 1 percent. ATO Technical Operations employees (except Flight Inspection Services) will also receive a pay increase of 1.6 percent effective the first full pay period of June 2014 (See Section 5(d)). Technical Operations wage-grade (WG) employees are covered by the Federal Wage System (FWS) (see Section 1(b)(1)). Under recently passed legislation, WG employees will also receive a pay increase of 1 percent.

Under Article 127 of the AVS agreement, entitled “Pay,” all AVS bargaining unit employees (AFS, AFS-700 and MIDO) are entitled to receive a pay increase equivalent to that provided to other federal employees in the annual adjustment to pay under the General Schedule (GS), which, as stated above, is 1 percent for 2014 (See Section 4(b)). AVS bargaining unit employees will also continue to receive periodic step increases. In addition to the increases to base pay, AVS bargaining unit employees will receive a lump-sum payment of 0.5 percent of their base pay effective the first full pay period of January (See Section 4(c)).

The ATO and AVS collective bargaining agreements contain several other pay-related provisions. As such, all PASS members are urged to carefully review the applicable agreement so that they can be fully aware of their rights, entitlements and responsibilities as PASS members or representatives and FAA employees.