PASS brothers and sisters,
We will soon be seeing pay increases in accordance with Article 124 of the PASS/FAA CBA.
Section 5. Annual Pay Adjustments
d. annual length of service adjustment of 1.6% to Base Pay(not to exceed band max) effective first full pay period in June.
This means you should receive the pay raise on or after June 24.
Check you leave and earnings statement and watch for an eOPF notice.
Even if you exceed the pay band max you will receive the rest as a lump sum.
Some people are worried about missing out on the 4.75% catch up increase in October if they take a detail or temporary promotion.
The contract covers you in Article 124 section 8 .
b. Promotion
At the conclusion of a temporary promotion, an employees Base Pay is recalculated
as if the temporary promotion had not occurred.
e. Details
Employees who are detailed are not entitled to pay changes as a result of the detail.
They continue to be paid at the rate paid for their position of record
and receive any increases related to the position of record for the duration of the detail
If you are thinking of taking a temporary promotion from H to I, you should be fine.
The decision to take a permanent promotion could be different.
You will have to decide if it is worth waiting for an opportunity after you get the H band catch up raise or take the I band promotion raise now.
In my case, if I took a promotion to I band it would be more than a 15% raise just to get to the bottom of I band.
So for me, it is not worth the wait, 4.75%catch up + the 8% band promotion would still not get me to the bottom of I band after October.
I would take the promotion now if offered.
Again, you will have to do the math for yourself , but a bird in the hand NOW,
will pay longer than waiting to get to the same place several months later
So if you have any questions regarding upcoming raises
and how you may be affected contact your rep or a chapter officer.
I would be happy to discuss your situation and help you make the best decision for yourself.
These are just my thoughts, let me know what you think.
Tim Mach
Chapter MI1 VP